In Vedic astrology, Moon is mind. It represents our mind, emotions, and personality. Therefore, due importance is given to Moon sign in our system.
Moon stays in one Rasi (sign) for 54 hours or 2 ΒΌ days. The sign in which moon is placed at the time of your birth is known as Moon Sign (Janma Rasi). Suppose if you were born when the moon is in aries, then your moon sign is aries. If you were born when the moon in cancer, then your moon sign is cancer.
Let us take another step to simplify it. The Zodiac comprises of 27 Nakshatras commencing from Aswini. The same area is divided in 12 parts equal to 12 Rasis commencing from Mesha (Aries). Each star is divided into four equal parts called padas. Therefore, 27 stars were divided into 108 padas (Total stars 27 x 4 padas = 108 padas). Each Rasi (sign) is assigned with 9 padas.
Know your Moon sign in a simple step
1. If you were born in Revathi nakshatra (any pada) then your moon sign is Meena Rasi
2. If you were born in Kruttika nakshatra 1st pada, then your moon sign is Mesha Rasi
3. If you were born in Kruttika nakshatra 2nd pada, then your moon sign is Vrishabha Rasi
The below chart shows the zodiac sign and nakshatra constellations for your easy reference.

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